McTimony Chiropractic is a highly effective technique, comprising of quick, light adjustments resulting in better mobility and general wellbeing.
Incorporating trigger point therapy, soft tissue release and therapeutic massage to create an integrative treatment programme.
Ideal for people suffering from joint issues: aches, pains, stiffness, numbness, pins and needles or restricted mobility.
Joints can become misaligned due to incorrect lifting, sporting accidents, falls or sustained poor posture.
Perhaps you’ve heard that chiropractic can be quite invasive, with lots of bone clicking and manipulation. McTimoney Chiropractic is very different and involves much gentler techniques.
Spine Check: 30 mins
Taster Treatment: 30 mins
Full Initial Consultation: 90 mins
Follow Up Appointments: 30 mins / 60 mins
Monday – Friday
730am- 9pm
Appointments are available outside of reception hours depending upon each therapist
Monday – Sunday
01603 66 00 22
7 St Johns Alley, Maddermarket, Norwich, NR2 1DR